Sunday 6 April 2014

a is for australiana shiny beads

Well, I could go on about how horrified I am at the tremendous delay in updating (which, incidentally, is true - seriously, where has the time gone??), but given that this seems to be my standard introduction to every post, I'll work on finding a new way to begin.'s a quick and dirty post of some lovely Australian-based wonders who produce rather divine shiny beads (and at least some of them, if not all, post overseas - huzzah!).

Based in New South Wales, this company is both sexy and sustainable.  They design and make beautiful earrings, necklaces, brooches, rings and cufflinks from a variety of materials (predominantly stainless steel and plantation hoop pine plywood), as well as the occasional delicious piece of clothing (amongst other things).  Having only really started to appreciate their talent (as in, stumbled upon) over the past few years, I am starting to amass a respectable collection of their wares.  The fact they offer free shipping for purchases over $25 is a nice bonus, too.

Another New South Wales-based business (Newcastle, to be exact), honeybee creates lovely, intricate earrings and necklaces from stainless steel, as well as gorgeous cut-out clocks using sustainably harvested Australian Blackwood timber veneer (phew - that's direct from their site, incidentally).   I particularly love their Goldilocks rang - so much so, I own three of the four pieces.  Whoops.

My beloved and I first stumbled across the resin-y delights of Rebecca Roth whilst in Hobart a few years ago.  To discover she had an online presence was...dangerous, to say the least!  Brightly coloured earrings, rings and necklaces of resin abound (as well as other materials, such as silver and wood), making any grey day infinitely happier.  Of course, it goes without saying that a number of her hand-crafted pieces can be found in my (ever-increasing) jewellery collection...

Based in Ringwood, this lovely site has a range of goodies for the man, woman and child, as well as their homes.  It was through this site I found my love for Erstwilder (seriously, have a look at her stuff - quirky, gorgeous, made-in-Melbourne goodness) and honeybee, as well as others.  Postage is free, which, of course, is always a plus.

And on that note I shall leave things (for now).  Of course, all of these talented business can also be found on facebook, should you want to find out more.