Tuesday 16 August 2011

h is for hiatus (of the shopping variety)

I've been on a self-imposed shopping ban of late, which has, I'm ashamed to say, been rather more difficult than anticipated (does buying eBooks count??  No, I didn't think so, either!).  That hasn't stopped me looking at my favourite online stores, though, with the happy anticipation (and justification) that comes with future purchases.

Time away from the delights of internet retailing has afforded me the opportunity to indulge in some of my other favourite past times, such as soaking in the tub with a good book.  I was recently given a kindle (hence the eBooks) and am still amazed by just how much I love it.  It will never replace my love of books (or books themselves, for that matter, as I firmly believe that pleasure in reading stems as much from the story as it does from the tactile, physical experience of the book itself) , but it comes pretty darned close - there is something so deliciously decadent about having so many varied books available in such a portable device, secure in the knowledge that you can dip into books as the mood takes you, rather than having to plan ahead for your anticipated literary needs and desires.  The fact that mine has a gorgeous, vibrant pink cover with an inbuilt light merely enhances my delight!

I have also rediscovered the pleasure of knitting though, sadly, this has suffered at the hands of my love of reading (I can see the battle now - knitting needles standing off against the kindle - I wonder who would win??).  Of course, our beasties showing definite interest in the movement of needles and wool doesn't encourage me much, either.

It has also given me time to reflect on social networking (namely facebook) and the way in which it can utterly consume and destroy.  People seem to forget that it does not replace communication proper and relationships, and have a tendency to emotionally invest in something that is simply not reflective of real life (I have certainly been guilty of that).  Personally, I've found it liberating to come to this realisation and take a step back, have a bit of a spring clean, as it were (ah, unfriending - not quite so much fun when you're the unfriended, rather than the unfriendee, if such words exist, even if you know it's for the best) and to remind myself of those who are important to me (and, presumably, me to them).  I do think facebook is a wonderful platform with which to catch up, particularly with those on the other side of the world, however, if it spontaneously combusted tomorrow I would not be too fussed.  Especially since I've stopped playing all those time-wasting games!

So, fret not, more posts will follow soon - just been feeling incredibly lazy of late and not particularly inclined to update, particularly as it would no doubt lead to some unplanned retail therapy....In the meantime, I'm going to have a soak in the tub with a good book!

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