Sunday 13 November 2011

s is for strawberry (net)

Much like amazon, unless you've been living under a rock, or in a cave, you'll know all about the following site:

Since being introduced to this site not long after my return to Australia (so a good five years ago now, at least), it has been a frequent port of call to replenish my stock of lotions, potions and make up. 

Based in Hong Kong, it offers brand name items at a much more affordable rate, with free and quick postage to most places in the world (the exception being perfume, the postage cost for which is capped at $10, I think).  It stocks a wide range of make up, perfume, skin care and accessories, although does not stock an entire range (for instance, may only have select colours of powder/lipstick/eyeshadow available).  Their available stock can fluctuate, too.

It has a customer loyalty scheme, which further adds to the incentive to shop with them (the more orders you place, the greater discount you get, the maximum being 10% off once you've placed twenty orders, I think).  It's easy to speed this up by collaborating with friends and using the one e-mail address for all orders placed.  Also, if you purchase more than one item further discounts are applied, although these have been decreased from the initial 5% discount with the purchase of three or more items to a gradual, incremental increase. All orders can be paid for in the local currency.

Signing up for their newsletter ensure that you're kept up-to-date of any additional promotional discounts, for example, as a further 10% off all haircare or perfume.  I'd definitely recommend using this site for your beauty needs, although not necessarily for perfume, as I have found some cheaper sites in the US (which I'll put up here shortly).

My only word of caution is for those based in the UK (and this is more around the UK Customs than anything else) - I sent an order from here direct to a friend, and was absolutely horrified to learn she'd been charged an importation tax on the gift.  Vile!

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